What he suggested: Beasto Blanco, a band with awesome rock with tight melodies and great lyrics. They're that way because Chuck Garric, a former bassist for Alice Cooper, as the lead vocalist, and Chris Latham on lead guitar, are two make up this band that has rich old-school roots.
![Beasto Blanco](https://gp1.wac.edgecastcdn.net/802892/http_public_production/artists/images/2833858/original/resize:248x186/crop:x0y21w650h486/1381773540_Beasto-Cover_650.jpg?1467358915)
What it was to me: Something that could do more than what Calgon is capable of, and in a shorter amount of time. It did more than just take me away. It took me back to a time when I was much younger than I am now, that anything was possible, that the sky was the limit to anything I could do.
What I would like to do: Give you, the reader, a "sales pitch" in three songs, all of which can be heard on Reverbnation.
Though I'm more than twice the age I was when I listened for hours on end to all of the rock music I could stand, I am glad all of that listening has gone to good use. That was my thought when I heard "California". I know all of you will get it when I refer to "Mojo rising" and "Lizard King." Guys, you had me at song one; this was it. It was more than enough to "Light My Fire."
Pretty soon, and for a long time, I was able to put aside my realities and fantasize about being a totally different person, one with no limits or boundaries, and throw caution to the wind. I got into that mindset when I heard "Vegas Baby Vegas."
Lastly, there is "Beasto Blanco." Needless to say, those of you who appreciate the music from the '70s will be all over this one simply because of the title. But it doesn't end there. How about a Crue-esque guitar riff, and KISS-esque drums (I heard "Strutter"? Speaking of the former glam rock reference, you've got to be motivated and inspired by the "living fast" phrase. And to boot, I think it's about time for country music to give that "hell, yeah" back to us rockers.
In a nutshell: Solid rock music with tight melodies, which by no means let up; killer guitar riffs and drums, which only make you want to hear this music over and over again; and music replete with classic rock sounds.
Are you sold? I hope so.